Kung Fu Exercises Target Mind and Test Patience
تحدث الرحال ريان العبدالواحد حول تجربته في الصين حيث ذهب لتعلم رياضة الكونغ فو والتايتشي والعيش في مقر التدريب لمدة شهر كامل؛ لمعرفة أساليبهم في الحياة، وقال العبدالواحد:«كان هناك تمرين غريب نبدأ فيه منذ الصباح الباكر بالركض من مقر التدريب إلى وادٍ يبعد ما يقارب 30 دقيقة، وعند الوصول يجب أن نحمل صخرة ونقوم بموازنتها على رؤوسنا دون استخدام الأيدي، ثم نقوم بالعودة إلى مقر التدريب ونضعها هناك، كانت عملية صعبة واستغرقت أسبوعا كاملا حتى أتمكن من موازنة صخرة صغيرة، وبعد مرور شهر كامل استطعت حمل صخور كبيرة وموازنتها على رأسي»، وأضاف: «لا أعتقد أن الهدف من التمرين رياضي أو جسماني، ولكن كان نوعا ما تمرينا للعقل والصبر؛ نظرا لصعوبة موازنة الصخرة على الرأس والمشي بها، كما يساعد التمرين على التركيز، واكتشاف القدرات بعد أن ظننت أنه من المستحيل إتقانه».
Traveler «Rayan Al Abdul Wahid» talked about his trip to China where he went to learn the sport of Kung Fu and Tait chi, lived in the training headquarters for a month to know their ways in life. Al Abdul Wahid said, «There was a strange exercise that started with running early in the morning from the temple (training headquarters) to a valley, which approximately 30 minutes away. When we arrived, we should carry a rock and balanced it on our heads without using our hands. After that, we should go back to the temple and put the rock there. It was a hard exercise, which lasted for one full week to be able to balance a small rock. However, after a month, I could carry big rocks and balance them on my head!» He added, «I don›t think that the target from the exercise was sport or physical. I think it was a kind of mind and patience exercise because balancing the rock on the head and walking with it was hard. The Exercise also helps concentration and discovering the powers after I thought it was impossible to master it.»
Traveler «Rayan Al Abdul Wahid» talked about his trip to China where he went to learn the sport of Kung Fu and Tait chi, lived in the training headquarters for a month to know their ways in life. Al Abdul Wahid said, «There was a strange exercise that started with running early in the morning from the temple (training headquarters) to a valley, which approximately 30 minutes away. When we arrived, we should carry a rock and balanced it on our heads without using our hands. After that, we should go back to the temple and put the rock there. It was a hard exercise, which lasted for one full week to be able to balance a small rock. However, after a month, I could carry big rocks and balance them on my head!» He added, «I don›t think that the target from the exercise was sport or physical. I think it was a kind of mind and patience exercise because balancing the rock on the head and walking with it was hard. The Exercise also helps concentration and discovering the powers after I thought it was impossible to master it.»